Friday, 27 December 2013

What's your success plan for 2014?

Plexus Worldwide products and the company just keeps getting better. There's no time like the present to set your goals for 2014 and get involved with a company that has all natural health and weight management products.

New Years Resolutions? So many people set their sights on getting healthy and losing weight. Be there for them - help others reach their goals and earn a great living - on your terms!

Plexus Worldwide is offering an End of the Year Special - It's on right now!
Until Midnight Eastern Time on the night Tuesday, December 31st, 2013, new Ambassadors get $10 off the price of any Welcome Pack at the time of sign-up!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Plexus Worldwide - Important Update on the new Accelerator+

Our new Accelerator+ has been on the market for over 6 weeks now and the feedback we are getting has been excellent. People are losing weight and feeling great. People who couldn't take the original Accelerator are able to take the new Accelerator+ and are losing weight.

Some Weight Gains Reported
We have had some people contact us saying that they were actually gaining weight with the Accelerator+. This seemed impossible to us. How could a product designed to have us lose weight be putting on weight? It was very puzzling so, we contacted our Product Advisor, Dr. Harris to get an explanation.

Dr. Harris Offers an Explanation
When a person who has been drinking caffeinated coffee for a lengthy time decides to quit "Cold Turkey" and switch to Decaf coffee, they quite often report severe headaches for up to two weeks. It is the body's reaction to being without caffeine. Dr. Harris pointed out that it is not the Decaf coffee that is causing the problem; it is the body's reaction to being without caffeine.

Dr. Harris suspects the same thing is happening with some people who had been taking the original Accelerator. He suggested that, when people go off the original Accelerator and the body has a reaction. With some people that reaction causes the body to put on weight. He points out again that it is not the new Accelerator+ that is causing the problem but rather the body's reaction to not having one or more of the ingredients in the original Accelerator.

So, with that explanation, what can people do who had been on the original Accelerator for some time?

Dr. Harris suggested that people allow the time to adjust to no longer having all of the ingredients in the original Accelerator, and don't expect consistent results until your body has fully adjusted, which may take 30 days or more.

Here's his specific suggestion: Begin taking two X Factor capsules with your daily drink of Plexus Slim and Accelerator+.

Dr. Harris reminded us that clinical studies have shown that by adding Aloe Vera to a person's daily regime, the body is able to assimilate other ingredients and nutrients up to 300% better than without the Aloe Vera. Each capsule of X Factor contains two patented and very powerful forms of Aloe Vera. By taking two X Factor capsules with Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ each morning, the Aloe Vera contained in the X Factor capsules enables the body to absorb more of the key weight loss ingredients in the Slim and Accelerator+.

Monday, 2 December 2013

The L.O.V.E. formula for easy optimal eating

I found this information from Amish Shah and wanted to pass it on - makes so much sense - LOVE - Justine 
Garbage in = Garbage out. It’s not enough to go for a jog every day when you are eating junk, drinking like a fish or smoking like a chimney!
Of course, knowing what to eat and finding time to research + prepare it can be tough. So I’ve broken it down into a little something I call the L.O.V.E. formula:
  • Live
  • Organic
  • Vitamin & Nutrient Rich
  • Easy
When you eat plenty of live, uncooked food that’s organic, it’s going to be vitamin and nutrient rich. It’s also going to be pretty easy to prepare most of the time.
Foods that are highly cooked, heavily refined, inorganic, have ingredients a half-mile long, come in a box, can or drowned in fatty sauces spell trouble.
In other words: they definitely don’t pass the L.O.V.E. test because when you eat them you do the opposite of love your body – you harm it.