Friday, 27 December 2013

What's your success plan for 2014?

Plexus Worldwide products and the company just keeps getting better. There's no time like the present to set your goals for 2014 and get involved with a company that has all natural health and weight management products.

New Years Resolutions? So many people set their sights on getting healthy and losing weight. Be there for them - help others reach their goals and earn a great living - on your terms!

Plexus Worldwide is offering an End of the Year Special - It's on right now!
Until Midnight Eastern Time on the night Tuesday, December 31st, 2013, new Ambassadors get $10 off the price of any Welcome Pack at the time of sign-up!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Plexus Worldwide - Important Update on the new Accelerator+

Our new Accelerator+ has been on the market for over 6 weeks now and the feedback we are getting has been excellent. People are losing weight and feeling great. People who couldn't take the original Accelerator are able to take the new Accelerator+ and are losing weight.

Some Weight Gains Reported
We have had some people contact us saying that they were actually gaining weight with the Accelerator+. This seemed impossible to us. How could a product designed to have us lose weight be putting on weight? It was very puzzling so, we contacted our Product Advisor, Dr. Harris to get an explanation.

Dr. Harris Offers an Explanation
When a person who has been drinking caffeinated coffee for a lengthy time decides to quit "Cold Turkey" and switch to Decaf coffee, they quite often report severe headaches for up to two weeks. It is the body's reaction to being without caffeine. Dr. Harris pointed out that it is not the Decaf coffee that is causing the problem; it is the body's reaction to being without caffeine.

Dr. Harris suspects the same thing is happening with some people who had been taking the original Accelerator. He suggested that, when people go off the original Accelerator and the body has a reaction. With some people that reaction causes the body to put on weight. He points out again that it is not the new Accelerator+ that is causing the problem but rather the body's reaction to not having one or more of the ingredients in the original Accelerator.

So, with that explanation, what can people do who had been on the original Accelerator for some time?

Dr. Harris suggested that people allow the time to adjust to no longer having all of the ingredients in the original Accelerator, and don't expect consistent results until your body has fully adjusted, which may take 30 days or more.

Here's his specific suggestion: Begin taking two X Factor capsules with your daily drink of Plexus Slim and Accelerator+.

Dr. Harris reminded us that clinical studies have shown that by adding Aloe Vera to a person's daily regime, the body is able to assimilate other ingredients and nutrients up to 300% better than without the Aloe Vera. Each capsule of X Factor contains two patented and very powerful forms of Aloe Vera. By taking two X Factor capsules with Plexus Slim and Accelerator+ each morning, the Aloe Vera contained in the X Factor capsules enables the body to absorb more of the key weight loss ingredients in the Slim and Accelerator+.

Monday, 2 December 2013

The L.O.V.E. formula for easy optimal eating

I found this information from Amish Shah and wanted to pass it on - makes so much sense - LOVE - Justine 
Garbage in = Garbage out. It’s not enough to go for a jog every day when you are eating junk, drinking like a fish or smoking like a chimney!
Of course, knowing what to eat and finding time to research + prepare it can be tough. So I’ve broken it down into a little something I call the L.O.V.E. formula:
  • Live
  • Organic
  • Vitamin & Nutrient Rich
  • Easy
When you eat plenty of live, uncooked food that’s organic, it’s going to be vitamin and nutrient rich. It’s also going to be pretty easy to prepare most of the time.
Foods that are highly cooked, heavily refined, inorganic, have ingredients a half-mile long, come in a box, can or drowned in fatty sauces spell trouble.
In other words: they definitely don’t pass the L.O.V.E. test because when you eat them you do the opposite of love your body – you harm it.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Plexus Worldwide Celebrates Black Friday... and Saturday... and Sunday!

Everything is 10% off for Ambassadors and Retail Customers when you use the Coupon Code FRIDAY2013 starting tonight at Midnight Eastern Time through Sunday night at 11:59pm Eastern Time!

New Ambassadors also save 10% on their Welcome Packs when they sign up this weekend, and their discount will be applied already, they don't need to enter any Coupon Code!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Plexus Worldwide - true to their word honors our nation's Veterans!

Thanks to all of the support Plexus Worldwide received from  Ambassadors and Customers yesterday, Plexus is donating an incredible $8,738 PLUS 5% of all of the day's product sales to the Wounded Warrior Project. 
This makes a total donation of $47,040.25 that we are proud to make in honor of our nation's Veterans! 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Good News for WEIGHT LOSS - Lose MORE Lose FASTER - Plexus Worldwide improves Accelerator+

Accelerator+ contains many of the same ingredients that Plexus Worldwide Independent Ambassadors and Customers have grown to love since its introduction in 2010, and now takes the next step towards being the best supplement of its type!

Accelerator+ has ingredients that help the body turn up its food processing speed and encourages it to not react as dramatically to glucose, or what we also call blood sugar. When that happens, less is stored as fat and your body won't be as apt to demand more food to feel better, so you won't be as hungry. Plexus Slim, the other half of this combo, also addresses these same things in the body but from a slightly different direction.

Ingredients in Accelerator+ are natural substances and are considered safe for everyone. If you do have serious health issues, just ask your physician if it is ok for you to take and if it will be compatible with your medications. The main ingredients are Higenamine, Hordenine, 5-HTP, Hawthorne Extract, Green Tea Extract and Yerba Mate. When this special blend comes together to make Accelerator+, you have something that is targeted toward helping you hit your goals... sooner!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Plexus products are continuing to improve - up next is Accelerator+!

Plexus Worldwide - an amazing company with amazing products!

Proud to announce the launch of our new formulation for Plexus Accelerator: Accelerator+
Accelerator+ contains many of the same
 ingredients that our Ambassadors and Customers have grown to love since its introduction in 2010, and now takes the next step towards being the best supplement of its type!

Accelerator+ has ingredients that help the body turn up its food processing speed and encourages it to not react as dramatically to glucose, or what we also call blood sugar. When that happens, less is stored as fat and your body won't be as apt to demand more food to feel better, so you won't be as hungry. Plexus Slim, the other half of this combo, also addresses these same things in the body but from a slightly different direction.

Ingredients in Accelerator+ are natural substances and are considered safe for everyone. If you do have serious health issues, just ask your physician if it is ok for you to take and if it will be compatible with your medications. The main ingredients are Higenamine, Hordenine, 5-HTP, Hawthorne Extract, Green Tea Extract and Yerba Mate. When this special blend comes together to make Accelerator+, you have something that is targeted toward helping you hit your goals... sooner!

ORDER Accelerator+  -  available for purchase and begin shipping November 6th

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Plexus Worldwide has had an incredible response to buy-one, give-one deal on Breast Chek Kits this month - so incredible, in fact, that we are out of stock!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be Proactive!
One of the original goals of Plexus is to make sure that there is a Breast Chek Kit in every home. We want that goal to become a reality, so during the month of October, Breast Chek Kits are buy one, get one free. Keep a Breast Chek Kit in your own home, and give one to someone who is special to you!

We've had an incredible response to our buy-one, give-one deal on Breast Chek Kits this month - so incredible, in fact, that we are out of stock! 

We expect to have more Breast Chek Kits in our warehouse in early to mid November, and of course, we will honor all orders placed during October with the buy-one, give-one deal!

A Breast Chek Kit consists of two micro-thin layers of polyurethane with a non-toxic lubricant sealed in between. When the Breast Chek is placed on the breast, the bottom layer gently adheres to the skin and remains stable allowing the upper layer to slide freely underneath your fingertips. As the upper layer slides freely over the bottom layer, friction is greatly reduced. This results in what is called "sensory touch magnification," or in other words your sense of touch is greatly improved thereby improving the effectiveness of all breast self-exams you do as part of your breast health program. ORDER HERE

*Buy one, get one free only applies to orders shipped from Plexus.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Breast Cancer - Did you know - About 2,240 new cases are expected in men this year? Source: Susan G. Komen

Yes, men can get breast cancer - a concept that never occurred to me until i read this story on the plane flying from St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands to JFK to visit my elderly parents:

Battle Scars BILL MIMIAGA thought he was done fighting when he retired from the Marines. But a surprise diagnosis put him back on the front line of a different kind of war. READ THE ARTICLE

Photography by Edward Carreón

This really got me thinking - this promotion that Plexus Worldwide - by one Breast Chek Kit 

Get One Free - for the month of October - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - really 

can mean a lot to a couple - so women buy one and give one to your husband or male friend - 

you could save their life!

The Plexus Worldwide Breast Chek Kit increases your ability to sense 

changes in tissue - order one now and follow these instructions 

provided by Fitness Magazine How to Do a Self-Exam

You may also wish to find out about 4 Foods that Fight Breast Cancer

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Plexus Worldwide Supports - October National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be Proactive!

One of the original goals of Plexus is to make sure that there is a Breast Chek Kit in every home. We want that goal to become a reality, so during the month of October, Breast Chek Kits are buy one, get one free. Keep a Breast Chek Kit in your own home, and give one to someone who is special to you!*

What are the key statistics about breast cancer? (source)
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime.

The American Cancer Society's estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2013 are:
  • About 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.
  • About 64,640 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
  • About 39,620 women will die from breast cancer
After increasing for more than 2 decades, female breast cancer incidence rates began decreasing in 2000, then dropped by about 7% from 2002 to 2003. This large decrease was thought to be due to the decline in use of hormone therapy after menopause that occurred after the results of the Women's Health Initiative were published in 2002. This study linked the use of hormone therapy to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart diseases. Incidence rates have been stable in recent years.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman's death is about 1 in 36 (about 3%). Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment.

At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (This includes women still being treated and those who have completed treatment.)

A Breast Chek Kit consists of two micro-thin layers of polyurethane with a non-toxic lubricant sealed in between. When the Breast Chek is placed on the breast, the bottom layer gently adheres to the skin and remains stable allowing the upper layer to slide freely underneath your fingertips. As the upper layer slides freely over the bottom layer, friction is greatly reduced. This results in what is called "sensory touch magnification," or in other words your sense of touch is greatly improved thereby improving the effectiveness of all breast self-exams you do as part of your breast health program.                                    

*Buy one, get one free only applies to orders shipped from Plexus. ORDER HERE

I would love share my Plexus Worldwide Opportunity with you,
Justine A. Mis

Saturday, 5 October 2013

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Use Plexus Worldwide Breast Chek Kit

Breast Health

The body tends to store toxins in various fatty tissues in the body. And, as a woman’s breasts are largely fatty tissue, they often become quite toxic.
Plexus has a breast health product line that gives every woman an opportunity to look after her breast health in a loving, gentle and extremely effective manner.
Featuring unrivaled technology, the Breast Chek Kit enhances touch sensory for more effective and accurate breast exams.
Wishing you health and wealth,
Justine A. Mis
Independent Ambassador 116033

Monday, 30 September 2013

Chlorogenic Acid in Green Coffee Burns Fat - Proprietary blend of Chlorogenic Acid in Plexus Slim

In a study recently published in the LA Times, participants were supplemented with green coffee bean and strictly monitored for 12 weeks. On average, the participants lost 17 lbs each. That's 16% of their overall body fat and 10.5% body weight.

Plexus Slim

aka Pink Drink Directions:

Half an hour before a meal — it does not matter which meal, it can be breakfast, lunch or dinner — pour the Plexus Slim powder into a 12 ounce glass/bottle of water, stir/shake and drink. That's all there is to it!

Plexus Slim Ingredients:

Proprietary blend of Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee Caffea arabica Bean) Extract (contains less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia Fruit Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Hoodia gordonii Whole Plant Extract.


Saturday, 28 September 2013

Why would you want to become an independent ambassador for Plexus Worldwide?

Plexus Worldwide can make your dreams of an exotic vacation come true - just another example why this network marketing business model provides exceptional rewards! Does your company give you perks like this? Click on the link below:

2013 Emerald Extravaganza

Will I see you at the next event?

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

I am often asked what is plexus slim and does it really work?

First of all Plexus Slim is not a shake or meal replacement. We affectionately call it the Pink Drink because that's what it is. My daily ritual - mix the Plexus Slim packet in a small bottle of water and cool in fridge, have a healthy breakfast with y husband and about a half hour later (give or take!) I take my Pink Drink and 2 Plexus Slim Accelerator capsules. That's all there is to it. I go about my day feeling great and have plenty of energy. The all natural ingredients in Plexus Slim helps banish cravings so I eat normally but usually less of it.

And YES the results are amazing. Of course results will vary and your success will depend on just how committed you are to getting slim and healthy. Add swimming or walking to you daily regimen and you will have greater success sooner but it's not necessary. Frankly after a week or two you'll just feel more energetic and want to do more because you will feel so much better.

Some Real People - Some Real Results!

wishing you a healthy life!
justine mis

Monday, 23 September 2013

BUY Plexus Worldwide Products with Confidence 60-Day Guarantee

Personally, I love all of the Plexus Worldwide Products. Using Plexus Slim and the Accelerator has truly changed my life - I'm a slimmer more energetic version of my old self. It's a great feeling to go into your closet and weed out all the X's and XL's and shopping is much more fun picking clothes in the small and medium sizes.

If you're at all skeptical you BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ...
Plexus is so confident in the power of their products that they guarantee you will notice a difference in your life. There is no risk. If you are unsatisfied with a product purchased from Plexus, you have up to 60 days from the date of purchase to receive a full refund. You literally have nothing to lose. Plexus offers the ultimate product guarantee. Experience the Plexus difference and have the full confidence that if you don’t see results, you will get your money back.
Retail Customers: If you are unsatisfied with a product purchased from Plexus, you have up to 60 days from the date of purchase to contact Customer Service for a return authorization. You will need to return any unused product along with its original packaging to Plexus prior to a refund being issued for your product purchase, less shipping & handling. If you have purchased directly from a Plexus Ambassador, please contact that individual for a direct refund. You will need to return any unused product along with its original packaging to the Plexus Ambassador whom you purchased the product from.
Preferred Customers: If you are unsatisfied with a product purchased from Plexus, you have between 15 — 60 days from the date of purchase to contact Customer Service for a return authorization. You will need to return any unused product along with its original packaging to Plexus prior to a refund being issued for your product purchase, less shipping & handling. You may request a refund or cancel your auto-order 15 days after receiving your initial order.
Plexus Customer Service contact:
PH: (480) 998-3490
Wishing you health & wealth,

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Mechanics of Weight Loss - Plexus Worldwide provides an explanation

Plexus Worldwide provides some answers why Plexus Slim (aka The Pink Drink) works:
The body naturally stores fat. The most common areas are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. These excess fat stores contain toxins that cause havoc with our immune system. Ultimately this can lead to heart disease, diabetes, loss of energy, depression and many other debilitating conditions.
"Obesity in the U.S. is driving rising rates of diabetes and hypertension with stroke-causing conditions affecting almost 3 in 10 Americans. Excess weight increases the risk of developing heart disease, stroke and other serious conditions, according to the U. S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention." Bloomberg News, October 2008
When used as part of a daily hydration regimen (1 stick pack per day), Plexus Slim promotes:
  • Loss of weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle
  • Healthy blood sugar levels
  • Healthy cholesterol and lipid levels
  • Healthy willpower over food choices
  • Free radical scavenging (reduces oxidative stress)
Plexus Slim is:
  • Safe, non-stimulatory and non-thermogenic
  • Diabetic friendly

Product Active Ingredients

Leveraging the research and experience of one of the world's largest natural ingredient compounder, Plexus Slim harnesses the beneficial essence of 2 plant extract concentrates, provides proven effectiveness in slimming and provides beauty benefits. Compounded using a proprietary process, Plexus Slim possesses a unique composition. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven.
The two principle active ingredients in Plexus Slim are derivatives of chlorogenic acid and oxypregnane steroidal glycoside. Among other mechanisms, these two ingredients provide:
Fat metabolism —Chlorogenic acids are one of the major classes of phenolic compounds. They are present in a large variety of fruits and vegetables. They largely occur conjugated with quinic acid as in chlorogenic acid.
Appetite management — Oxypregnane steroidal glycoside is a benign plant extract. Several varieties of the plant exist, however, one species in particular exhibits extraordinary appetite management qualities.
Chlorogenic Acid
The benefits of Chlorogenic acids to our health have been demonstrated in numerous scientific studies. The study by Richelle et al. confirms the anti-oxidant power of Chlorogenic acids. Furthermore, it shows that the anti-oxidant power is approximately twice as superior to that of dark chocolate. The works of Bandyopadhyay et al. and Jiang et al. equally confirm the benefits of Chlorogenic acids to our health. Studies have shown that caffeic acid possesses a strong anti-oxidant power, notably limiting the oxidation of lipids in the liver. The Chlorogenic acid in Plexus Slim is a particular and unique composition and is guaranteed free of cafestol and kahweol and other harmful elements.
Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside
The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that regulates certain metabolic processes and other activities of the autonomic nervous system. It synthesizes and secretes neuro-hormones, often called hypothalamic-releasing hormones, and these in turn stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. Its basic function is to control body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger and circadian cycles (the body's clock).
When food is consumed, blood sugar (glucose) levels increase, prompting the body to start sending signals to the brain that it is full. This causes the hypothalamus region of the brain to cease sending out signals that the body needs a further source of energy. Scientists in cooperation with the British company Phytopharm isolated a steroidal glycoside active ingredient they designated as P57. They discovered that the brain interprets the molecules in the chemical structure of P57 as molecules of glucose. This has the same effect on the hypothalamus as consuming large quantities of food.
The unique steroidal glycoside extract used in Plexus Slim is estimated to be 100,000 times more potent than glucose, so as soon as it is sensed by the hypothalamus, the body is 'told' that it is full, thus inhibiting overeating.
Warnings: Please consult a physician when starting this or any other dietary supplement program.
Wishing you Health,

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Plexus Worldwide - a company that cares enough to tell you the truth

On staff at Plexus Worldwide, 

Dennis Harris, M.D. explains Plexus X Factor difference

Watch Video Here

In this video...

Dennis Harris, M.D., Plexus Product Advisor, talks about the science behind the ingredients in Plexus X Factor and why the product is so successful and good for your health!

Features & Benefits**

Delivers several B vitamins, vitamins D, C and E, the antioxidant protection of New Zealand Black currants, and the impressive nutrient profile of Aloe

Oxygenates the body, safeguarding against damaged/dysfunctional cells

Provides super-potent antioxidant protection

Delivers support for whole-body wellness

Supports the body’s functions, processes and systems

Super-charges the body’s various immune activities

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Wishing you Health & Wealth

Friday, 13 September 2013

Will you be the next Plexus Slim Success Story?

Daniel Hess - Plexus journey started on June 1st of 2013
In his own words, "At first I was unsure about this product having tried just about everything else, but my wife and sister in law encouraged me to give it a try. I couldn't believe what happened."
"I was 311 when I started, and this week when I weighed myself I was down to 248. I have lost 63 pounds in a little over 3 months. Amazing! I started off by just taking Plexus Slim and Accelerator. I later tried XFactor and am still taking it. I am also taking BioCleanse and ProBio 5. All these products are equally amazing but that's just the start. I couldn't believe what happened next.

After about 2 weeks on Plexus and seeing the weight just fall off daily, I signed up as an Ambassador through my sister in law. I just wanted to get my products free but after EVERYONE at work saw me lose so much weight so fast they started coming to me to buy some. They started ordering and just in the first month my commission check was enough to cover my house payment, and then my August check was over the amount I needed for both my house and car payments!

I couldn't believe it, these products and this business is unreal. I am getting healthier by continuing to lose weight and also getting the financial benefits of selling these life changing products."

It's a wonderful time to be a part of Plexus!  Let me help you become the next Plexus Slim Success Story! 
Wishing you health and wealth,

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Plexus Worldwide Products - always improving!

Fast Relief Capsules and Fast Relief Cream are improving! 

Lyprinol, an extract of the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel, is being replaced by ETArol™, a patented, more powerful version of the same substance. 

Shipments of the Fast Relief Capsules with this updated ingredient are leaving our warehouse now, and the Fast Relief Cream will begin shipping with this update within the next week or so. 

Our Product Advisor, Dr. Dennis Harris, M.D. has informed us that ETArol™ is up to five times more effective!


Monday, 9 September 2013

Why is Plexus Slim so good for you? Your questions answered

Dennis Harris, M.D., Plexus Product Advisor, talks about the science behind the ingredients in Plexus Slim and why the product is so successful and good for your health!

Plexus Slim Independant Ambassador 116033

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Forget Calorie Diet Plans

Let's face it life is complicated! Why do complicated calorie diet plans. And aren't you confused - 1200 calorie diet plan? 1000 calorie diet plan? 500 calorie diet plan?

With Plexus Slim and the Accelerator there's no need to count calories. Drink the Pink Drink, take one or two capsules (your choice of how much of this all natural caffeine booster) just ONCE a day and you're set. The all natural ingredients balance out your sugar levels and reduce cravings. You naturally eat less and have more energy.

So if you've tried other diet plans with unsatisfactory results don't be discouraged - go with all natural simple diet plan that's really the "No Plan Diet Plan!"

Decision Pack-1 $11.95 includes s&h
(1) Decision Pack-Includes (1) 3-Day Trial Pack, (1) 'What If' DVD and Information Sleeve. ***New Flexible Serving Size***

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Why Plexus? What makes Plexus the Opportunity of a Lifetime?

Why Plexus? What makes Plexus the Opportunity of a Lifetime?
  1. Couples can sign up separately. Most companies restrict couples doing that by saying that there can only be one distributorship between a husband and a wife. Plexus encourages husbands and wives to sign up separately. By doing that, it basically enables a couple to double their income for only slight more effort.
  2. Profit Sharing Offered to Everyone from Day One. With the unique pay plan that Plexus has created, every Ambassador gets to share in the profits of the company from Day One. In most other companies, only the high ranking distributors get to share in company profits.
  3. No Direct Competition within the company. In most network marketing companies, there is intense competition between the leading distributors. This creates divisions within the company. In Plexus because of their unique pay plan, the leaders are encouraged to work together for the overall benefit of all the Ambassadors. What that does is create a family-like atmosphere where everyone is working and willing to help one another.
  4. Easy Monthly Qualification. Some companies require $1,000 or more in product volume to qualify to earn a commission check. In Plexus, it only takes $100 in PV. And, that $100 can come from customers buying directly from the company; it doesn't have to come from personal purchases by the Ambassador. 
  5. Weekly and Monthly Pay. Some companies pay weekly; some companies pay monthly. At Plexus, we do both. Once a month, an Ambassador earns a check based on profit sharing; that is usually the largest of their checks. But each week an Ambassador can earn a check based on Business Building Bonuses and Quick Pays. 
  6. 50% Payout to Ambassadors. Some companies pay their distributors less that 35% percent of the total PV sales. (PV is the dollar value attached to each product when sold.) At Plexus we pay exactly 50% of the total PV to the Ambassadors each month.
  7. Low Sign-Up. The cost to sign-up in Plexus is $34.95. That includes a personalized web-site for one year. Other companies charge $99 and more to join and then charge a monthly fee for a personalized web-site.
  8. Special Product Pricing on Welcome Packs. In order to help new Ambassador get started in the business, Plexus offers them a choice of a $100 and $200 initial product order. It is called a Welcome Pack. New Ambassadors get a discount on their first order that is not available at any other time. Other companies offer no such discounts.    
  9. Plexus Products Work. On a recent survey 92.8% of the people responding said that they were involved with Plexus because of the products. Some companies are happy if 50% of their customers get results from their products. At Plexus that number is close to 90%.
  10. Customers purchase over 40% of all products. Month after month, over 40% of all sales are purchased by customers. And, of the products purchased by Ambassadors, a lot of those products are re-sold to customers. In other companies, the bulk of sales are made by distributors and those distributors are often just buying products so that they qualify for a check.
  11. No Monthly Auto-Purchase. Some companies require that, regardless of what other purchases are made during the month, you are forced to receive an auto-purchase in order to qualify to receive a check. At Plexus Ambassadors create a Back-up Order for $100 PV. That order is ONLY processed if they don't have enough PV to get a check. It is not sent to them if they already have their qualifying Personal Volume. 
Some people like to get into a company early; they like to feel they are on the ground floor; other people like to get into a company after it is established - they don't want to risk their efforts on a company that might fail. Plexus is the best of both worlds!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

From Breast Cream to BEST cream! Plexus Worldwide products continue improving!

Introducing Plexus Body Cream, a unique skin renewing and detoxifying cream with Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal! For some time, Ambassadors have been asking us to change the name of the Breast Cream to Plexus Body Cream. We thought, let's not only change the name, let's improve the formula and put it in a pump dispenser. We did all that and are proud to introduce the new Plexus Body Cream!

In addition to making a contribution to Breast Health, initial reports say that Plexus Body Cream has been found to revitalize the skin over the entire body of both men and women.

All of the benefits of the Breast Cream, Plus More!
The effective detoxifying action is promoted by Spirulina Algae, plus the new addition of Activated Charcoal, to remove age-advancing toxins and impurities from the skin. These ingredients are carried into the skin's layers on a rich blend of Aloe, Sweet Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Lavender Oil and Rosaceae Oil. 

Plexus Body Cream brings new life and vibrancy to your skin!

Have you tried Plexus Body Cream? 
A unique skin renewing and detoxifying cream with Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal, Plexus Body Cream is available now!
NEW improved formula in a pump dispenser for easy application. 

Features of the new Plexus Body Cream
    Plexus Worlwide Body Cream
  • Combines benefits of Spirulina Algae and Activated Charcoal for detoxification
  • New pump dispenser is 3 oz., compared to old 2.5 oz jars
  • A little bit goes a long way! Try using a quarter or half-pump of the Body Cream
  • Delivered to the skin through a blend of Aloe and luxurious oils
  • The Body Cream is grey in appearance - this is from the Activated Charcoal!

Plexus Body Cream brings new life and vibrancy to your skin!


wishing you health & wealth,

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Plexus Worldwide Releases New Video Testimonials - find out why you should "Drink the Pink Drink!"

I just had to share this with you - the results are amazing - I lost over 22 pounds in my first 60 days - turned 60 and feel better than ever. But don't take my word for it - listen to this

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Coca Cola to release Ads Defending Safety of Diet Drinks

If this doesn't get your attention and make you wonder - well I am sorry to say I think you are "BUYING INTO" media madness and the perpetuation of BIG Corporations - whether pushing product or pills on us - getting away with FALSE statements to increase profits.


I urge you to jump off the train rushing you to unhealthy consequences!

diet soda can make you fat!

A 25-year long study conducted by The University of Texas Health  Science Center at San Antonio found that the more diet sodas a person drinks, the greater the chance that he or she will become overweight or obese.

This was based on data collected from over 1,000 people who were either normal weight or overweight (but not obese) at the beginning of the study. The study showed that for each diet soda a person drank per day, they were 65 percent more likely to become overweight, and 41 percent more likely to
become obese!

So is it the artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose that lead to belly fat? Or is it the chemical ingredients like phosphoric acid that link diet soda to being overweight?

Diet sodas are loaded with chemicals and fake sugars that are foreign to your body. In the most basic sense our body is always in “fight or flight” mode… meaning that the number #1 thing our body worries about is keeping us alive and healthy.

Now when these foreign chemicals come into the body, your organs have to focus on ridding your body of these harmful chemicals instead of doing what it normally does…. which is BURNING FAT!

So by putting diet soda into your body, you are forcing your body to focus on getting rid of those chemicals – and delaying the fat burning process…

Thursday, 8 August 2013

The benefits of Turmeric - a key ingredient in Plexus Worldwide's FAST RELIEF™ Capsules

This “traditional remedy” may stop the growth of new fat cells
Herb blocks “hunger signals” between your stomach and brain
Turmeric is the spice that gives curry dishes their kick. 
It’s also used as a traditional remedy for staying slim.
Studies in animal models show turmeric may help STOP the growth of new fat cells.
Researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University discovered that curcumin, a phytochemcial and a component of turmeric, prevented the growth of fat cells in mice.1
In Bali, for example, they use turmeric in many of their local dishes and especially in “Jamu,” which is Balian herbal medicine.
Plexus Worldwide lists turmeric as an ingredient in:

FAST RELIEF™ Capsules - More Information

Key Ingredients

Lyprinol: Like the FAST RELIEF capsules, this patented, highly purified extract of the New Zealand green lipped mussel contains all the potent and wide-ranging properties of its source, including anti-inflammatory support, pain relief and tissue regeneration. Scientific findings show Lyprinol is the superior source of the green lipped mussel.
Turmeric Extract: A powerful anti-inflammatory used for centuries in Ayurvedic and other traditional medicine systems. Modern studies overwhelmingly show turmeric is beneficial for natural pain relief.
Serrapeptase: Known as the “Miracle Enzyme,” this anti-inflammatory agent, with more than 25 years of research in Europe and beyond, delivers significant relief without the usual side effects.
Bromelain: Another enzyme shown to possess substantial anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties for protection of the entire body.
*The "fat loss" effect is not from Plexus Worldwide information but I found it interesting in my research about our products that there were extra benefits. 
The journey as a Plexus Worldwide Independent Ambassador has opened my eyes to the benefit of getting healthy as well the opportunity to help others in their quest for health and weight management - and I get great paychecks as well - a perfect combination for me. How about you?
Please contact me for more information at GET SLIM NOW
To a better you - a better world,

1. Grossman, A. "Turmeric Extract Suppresses Fat Tissue Growth in Rodent Models," Tufts University, May 18, 2009