Why Plexus? What makes Plexus the Opportunity of a Lifetime?
- Couples can sign up separately. Most companies restrict couples doing that by saying that there can only be one distributorship between a husband and a wife. Plexus encourages husbands and wives to sign up separately. By doing that, it basically enables a couple to double their income for only slight more effort.
- Profit Sharing Offered to Everyone from Day One. With the unique pay plan that Plexus has created, every Ambassador gets to share in the profits of the company from Day One. In most other companies, only the high ranking distributors get to share in company profits.
- No Direct Competition within the company. In most network marketing companies, there is intense competition between the leading distributors. This creates divisions within the company. In Plexus because of their unique pay plan, the leaders are encouraged to work together for the overall benefit of all the Ambassadors. What that does is create a family-like atmosphere where everyone is working and willing to help one another.
- Easy Monthly Qualification. Some companies require $1,000 or more in product volume to qualify to earn a commission check. In Plexus, it only takes $100 in PV. And, that $100 can come from customers buying directly from the company; it doesn't have to come from personal purchases by the Ambassador.
- Weekly and Monthly Pay. Some companies pay weekly; some companies pay monthly. At Plexus, we do both. Once a month, an Ambassador earns a check based on profit sharing; that is usually the largest of their checks. But each week an Ambassador can earn a check based on Business Building Bonuses and Quick Pays.
- 50% Payout to Ambassadors. Some companies pay their distributors less that 35% percent of the total PV sales. (PV is the dollar value attached to each product when sold.) At Plexus we pay exactly 50% of the total PV to the Ambassadors each month.
- Low Sign-Up. The cost to sign-up in Plexus is $34.95. That includes a personalized web-site for one year. Other companies charge $99 and more to join and then charge a monthly fee for a personalized web-site.
- Special Product Pricing on Welcome Packs. In order to help new Ambassador get started in the business, Plexus offers them a choice of a $100 and $200 initial product order. It is called a Welcome Pack. New Ambassadors get a discount on their first order that is not available at any other time. Other companies offer no such discounts.
- Plexus Products Work. On a recent survey 92.8% of the people responding said that they were involved with Plexus because of the products. Some companies are happy if 50% of their customers get results from their products. At Plexus that number is close to 90%.
- Customers purchase over 40% of all products. Month after month, over 40% of all sales are purchased by customers. And, of the products purchased by Ambassadors, a lot of those products are re-sold to customers. In other companies, the bulk of sales are made by distributors and those distributors are often just buying products so that they qualify for a check.
- No Monthly Auto-Purchase. Some companies require that, regardless of what other purchases are made during the month, you are forced to receive an auto-purchase in order to qualify to receive a check. At Plexus Ambassadors create a Back-up Order for $100 PV. That order is ONLY processed if they don't have enough PV to get a check. It is not sent to them if they already have their qualifying Personal Volume.
Some people like to get into a company early; they like to feel they are on the ground floor; other people like to get into a company after it is established - they don't want to risk their efforts on a company that might fail. Plexus is the best of both worlds!